Category Archives: Joy

Christmas 2024

Our Christmas decorations are finally out and up and, like always, there was plenty to do.  The tree was purchased, white lights were strung (inside and out), wreaths with red bows were hung, and the multiple nativity scenes were set up on book shelves, table tops and credenzas. Our holiday pillows were thrown, candles placed, […]

Promises, Promises

During Advent, Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus the Christ, that is, the Messiah. The promise of the Messiah is a fascinating read in the Old Testament, filled with odd and intriguing phrases, scattered among the writings of different authors over two millennia. The various prophecies sometimes had application to the immediate […]

My daughter dragged me to a concert recently.  She knows someone in the excellent reggae band Rebelution, and scored us backstage “Family” passes (thanks Wes!).  Getting a glimpse into the world of a highly successful touring band was very cool, and the band was wonderfully polite and hospitable to me and the other “old-timers” in […]

Drift Away

The summer of 1973 is a fond memory for me.  As a young teenager in Maryland, my Dad’s military station at the time, life seemed pretty care-free, and the things that made me smile were simple: riding my bike, sandlot baseball with my buddies, and those long days of summer when we kids would leave […]